Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandra Babu Naidu, who is revered as the most experienced and senior politician, is living up to the expectations. He is proving that people of Seemandhra are wise in electing him as the first Chief Minister of the State. Babu who just finished off the first Assembly session is not in a mood to take any break from his work. He is all set to go to New Delhi on Thursday. His visit has much significance as Naidu is going to ask "more" help from Union government in building new capital city for Andhra Pradesh and other funds to develop the state from the beginning.
Below is the Babu's schedule in Delhi on Thursday (26-06-2014):
1. Meeting with Union Power Minister Piyush Goyal at 10 AM
2. Meeting with Union Minister for Water Resources Uma Bharati at 11 AM
3. Meeting (probably luncheon meeting) with Union Urban Development Minister Venkaiah Naidu at 12.45 PM
4. Meeting with Finance Minister Arun Jaitley at 3.30 PM
5. Meeting with Union Railway Minister Sadananda Gowd at 6.00 PM
"By meeting with Ministers of all top sectors like - Power, Water Resources, Urban Development, Finance and Railways in Delhi, Babu is going to convince, persuade Central Ministers to get things done and set things straight. This trip to Delhi will surely reap fruits for the new state of Andhra Pradesh," opined senior political analyst. Needless to add that Babu is leaving no stone unturned to make Andhra Pradesh into Swarnandhra Pradesh.
Below is the Babu's schedule in Delhi on Thursday (26-06-2014):
1. Meeting with Union Power Minister Piyush Goyal at 10 AM
2. Meeting with Union Minister for Water Resources Uma Bharati at 11 AM
3. Meeting (probably luncheon meeting) with Union Urban Development Minister Venkaiah Naidu at 12.45 PM
4. Meeting with Finance Minister Arun Jaitley at 3.30 PM
5. Meeting with Union Railway Minister Sadananda Gowd at 6.00 PM
"By meeting with Ministers of all top sectors like - Power, Water Resources, Urban Development, Finance and Railways in Delhi, Babu is going to convince, persuade Central Ministers to get things done and set things straight. This trip to Delhi will surely reap fruits for the new state of Andhra Pradesh," opined senior political analyst. Needless to add that Babu is leaving no stone unturned to make Andhra Pradesh into Swarnandhra Pradesh.